APRIL has become a partner of Kalixia, France's 1st healthcare network

Press releases

07 December 2023

While France is the European country with the lowest proportion of healthcare expenditure lowest in Europe, with an average of €250 per capita per year[1], the current economic climate is having a negative impact on French people’s health budgets. Determined to enable policyholders to benefit from quality care without having to make financial choices, the APRIL Group has become a partner of Kalixia, France’s leading healthcare network.


Since 1 December, APRIL has partnered with Kalixia to create a more accessible and cost-effective healthcare pathway for all its individual health policyholders, whether individuals or professionals. This new partnership enables APRIL policyholders to limit their out-of-pocket expenses for optical, hearing, dental and osteopathic care by benefiting from negotiated rates and systematic third-party payment[2] from 19,000 qualified professionals.


The result of the merger of the Malakoff Humanis and VYV Group healthcare networks, Kalixia is France’s leading healthcare network platform in terms of the number of beneficiaries.


APRIL has selected the Kalixia network to offer its policyholders and the customers of its broker partners a unique range of healthcare services throughout France:

● More than 6,000 opticians
● 6,700 dental surgeons and orthodontists
● 6,000 hearing aid centres
● More than 500 osteopaths



By visiting one of the professionals in the Kalixia network, APRIL policyholders will benefit from preferential rates. Naturally, they remain free to consult their usual practitioner, with the same level of cover whether or not he or she belongs to the network.


“At a time when one in four French people have already given up on healthcare because of the cost of out-of-pocket expenses, we believe it is essential to strengthen our services to protect French people even further, by giving them easier access to healthcare without sacrificing quality. This partnership with Kalixia is an illustration of this approach, which we deploy every day with our local broker partners,” explains Ludovic Cohen, Deputy Managing Director of APRIL Santé Prévoyance.


“We are delighted that Kalixia and APRIL have entered into a partnership. This partnership is fully in line with our joint approach of providing access to quality healthcare for as many people as possible. Thanks to the links we have forged with healthcare professionals, we can offer APRIL policyholders optimum territorial coverage with qualified and loyal partners and quality equipment, while reducing their out-of-pocket expenses,” says Emmanuel Daydou, Chief Operating Officer of Kalixia.


[1]DREES Health Accounts Commission 2023
[2] Third-party payment not available for osteopathic treatment

About APRIL Group

APRIL is the leading wholesale broker in France with a network of 15,000 partner brokers. APRIL’s 2,400 staff members aim to offer their customers and partners – individuals, professionals and businesses – an outstanding experience combining the best of people and technology, in health and personal protection for individuals, professionals and VSEs, loan insurance, international health insurance (iPMI), property and casualty niche insurance and asset management. APRIL aspires to become a digital, omnichannel and agile operator, a champion of customer experience and leader in its markets, while committing to the societal responsibility issues set forth in its Oxygen approach.

The APRIL Group operates in 18 countries and recorded a turnover of €590 million in 2022.



About Kalixia
The result of the merger of the Malakoff Humanis and VYV Group healthcare networks, Kalixia is France’s leading healthcare network platform in terms of the number of beneficiaries in optical, digital contactology, hearing aid, dental, osteopathy and hospital services. The platform has more than 6,000 partner opticians, 6,000 hearing aid centres, 6,700 general dental surgeons in implantology, periodontology and orthodontics, and more than 500 osteopaths. These networks give policyholders access to high-quality care and equipment at controlled prices, with no advance payment (for optical, hearing and dental care).


Press Contacts


Mélanie Sutter
melanie.sutter@april.com / 0033 6 43 54 66 67


Monet+Associés agency for the APRIL group

Laureen Arnol, Lison Douvegheant & Léa Petit
april@monet-rp.com / 04 78 37 34 64