APRIL International launches Easy Claim Card: the first digital payment card for its globally-mobile policyholders

6 months after a complete re-design of its e-commerce website to enhance and simplify the digital customer experience for its policyholders, APRIL International has taken a new step with the Easy Claim Card. This card is a new, innovative direct billing payment solution: it enables globally-mobile policyholders  to pay for their expensive medical expenses, wherever they might be, without incurring any personal costs. This innovation reflects the APRIL Group’s commitment to providing a simplified customer experience  with the help of digital technology, enabling to further accelerate its international development.
It complements the existing range of solutions for covering healthcare expenses abroad:
– an efficient pay & claim service with the Easy Claim app for routine treatment;
– third-party payment agreements with hospitals worldwide.


> An innovative direct billing payment solution that’s unique in the market

> A simplified customer experience: no advance payments needed

> A digital card that can be reloaded on request and used exclusively to pay for medical treatment and healthcare professionals


After a 7-month trial with a panel of policyholders, APRIL International is extending the scheme from 23rd October 2023 first to its policyholders with an APRIL International Care France policy. The solution will then be rolled out to policyholders with an APRIL UK policy in the coming months.


A simplified payment solution for healthcare

With the Easy Claim Card, APRIL International is simplifying the process of accessing healthcare , which can be both complex and costly depending on the country of destination, by providing its expatriate customers with a digital payment card . This card can be used at all types of medical facilities to pay for treatment including, GP and specialist consultations, diagnostic tests, prescription drugs, hospital scans (CT, MRI, PT), physiotherapists, dentists and opticians.. The Easy Claim Card works anywhere in the world.


How does it work?

Prior to receiving medical treatment, the policyholder needs to contact APRIL International to get the card Instantly loaded with the amount needed to carry out the treatment. The policyholder can then  receive the required treatment, pay with the card and send the receipt to APRIL International.

And in an emergency? If there is no direct billing payment arrangement with the hospital, APRIL International will credit a card of the policyholder as soon as it receives the estimated cost of treatment.



Isabelle Moins, CEO of APRIL International in Europe: APRIL International is continuing its transformation to become an international leader in insurance distribution and provide the best services to expatriates, anywhere in the world. The Easy Claim Card is another example of digital innovation that meets our policyholders’ needs for simplicity and convenience.


A flagship customer experience project of the APRIL Group, the Easy Claim card is based on a solution developed in partnership with manager.one (an online banking service for professionals).

Adrien Touati, co-founder of manager.one: “APRIL International is providing the IPMI market with a practical and simple solution for its policyholders. This product corresponds perfectly to what manager.one wants to provide an impeccable and transparent user experience. We’re excited to be working with APRIL International to help introduce this innovative solution to the market”. 


A unique 360° approach to facilitating access to healthcare

APRIL International offers its policyholders simplified payment solutions:

  • An efficient reimbursement service via the Easy Claim app by instant transfer for policyholders with a bank account in the SEPA zone;
  • Direct billing payment agreements for routine care in certain countries ;
  • Direct billing payment agreements with hospitals around the world
  • To complement the existing solutions, APRIL International is now offering its policyholders the Easy Claim Card, so that they can benefit from a third-party payment in areas outside the healthcare network and for expensive routine care.


A simplified customer experience recognised in the market

APRIL International already offers services that make life easier for policyholders on the move via Easy Claim, the application that lets them manage their health insurance policy in just a few clicks (sending and tracking reimbursements,accesing teleconsultations, finding a healthcare provider anywhere in the world, preparing for hospitalisation, finding useful policy documents, contacting dedicated advisers, etc.). Easy Claim is internationally recognised in the health insurance market and has received several awards, notably in Asia: Insurance Asia Award 2020, Global Banking & Finance Review Awards 2020 and 2022.

A propos d’APRIL

APRIL est le leader du courtage grossiste en France avec un réseau de 15 000 courtiers partenaires. Les 2 400 collaborateurs d’APRIL ont l’ambition de proposer à leurs clients et partenaires – particuliers, professionnels et entreprises – une expérience remarquable alliant le meilleur des relations humaines et de la technologie, en santé et prévoyance des particuliers, professionnels et TPE, en assurance des emprunteurs, en santé internationale, en dommages de niches et en gestion de patrimoine. APRIL ambitionne de devenir un acteur digital, omnicanal et agile, champion de l’expérience client et leader sur ses marchés tout en s’engageant sur les enjeux de Responsabilité Sociétale structurés au sein de sa démarche Oxygen.

Le groupe APRIL opère dans 18 pays et a enregistré en 2022 un chiffre d’affaires de 590M€.



Mélanie Sutter
melanie.sutter@april.com / 06 43 54 66 67


Agence Monet+Associés pour le groupe APRIL

Lison Douvegheant
april@monet-rp.com / 04 78 37 34 64

+32 (0)475 75 01 75