APRIL awarded the EcoVadis silver medal for its CSR policy


04 March 2021

  • #Environment

A few months ago, APRIL applied to EcoVadis, the international ratings platform for CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility – to assess its CSR policy.The results are out and we are proud to announce that on its first attempt, APRIL has been awarded a silver medal with an overall score of 55/100, and is ranked in the upper quartile, in other words the top 25% of companies assessed by EcoVadis.Receiving this medal is recognition of our long-term commitment.Our ambition through Spring is both to continue and to step up this move in four areas: health, carers, education and the environment.


These results reflect the hard work of our teams on a daily basis to make the APRIL Group a committed and responsible company.We need to intensify our work in some areas, and invest in others.This scoring should enable us to assess our progress each year.


The assessment focusses on 21 CSR criteria organised into 4 topics:


  • Environment (Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, waste management, water consumption, etc.)
  • Social & Human rights issues (Diversity, discrimination and harassment, Health and safety of staff members, career management and training, etc.)
  • Ethics (Corruption, unfair trading practices, responsible information management, etc.)
  • Responsible Purchasing (Suppliers’ environmental and social practices, etc.)


These criteria are taken from international CSR standards, such as the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), and the ISO 26000 standard.