APRIL awarded the HappyIndex®Trainees label for the quality of its support for young people, work-study students and trainees

Press releases

14 November 2023

APRIL Group has been awarded the HappyIndex®Trainees label by Choose My Company, which rewards companies for the quality of their welcome and support for work-study students and interns based on a survey conducted directly with these young people. This accreditation testifies the commitment of all APRIL teams to developing everyone’s skills, passing on knowledge and integrating talented people into the workforce.


APRIL recognised by its interns and work-study students


Through an 18-question survey covering a range of topics such as the trust placed in us by management, the working environment, the atmosphere and the interest of the assignments, Choose My Company enables work-study students and interns to assess the quality of their experience within the company that hosts them.


Specific measures to enable work-study students and interns to achieve their full potential


Considered as full-fledged employees within the April group, work-study students and interns benefit from a specific integration and support system to enable them to develop their skills and make the most of their experience within the company.

For example, the group organises an ‘induction seminar’ day for trainees to help them discover the group, its history, its organisation and, of course, the fundamentals of its business lines, with particular attention paid to the quality of the customer experience.


Convinced that the success of a work-study or internship experience also depends on managerial support, APRIL University includes in its training offer sessions dedicated to supporting tutors in order to help them exercise their role as “apprenticeship master” and give them all the keys to a successful work-study/tutor collaboration.


“We are committed to being a learning company at every stage in the careers of all our talented people, and this is one of the strong points of our Employer Brand. This label rewards our efforts to offer an enriching experience, develop the employability of our youngest employees and integrate the creativity and innovative strength of these profiles into our teams. We are naturally going to continue and strengthen our approach by working in particular on the subject of intergenerational relations,” explained Maud Padilla, APRIL Group Human Resources Director.


About APRIL’s Employer Brand

Since 2022, APRIL has formalised its employer promise on three pillars:
We do a useful job,
We combine the best of human relations and digital technology to give the best of ourselves.
We are a committed team in a committed company
In short, at APRIL, we take care of the future. This signature is a nod to the meaning of our business and our raison d’être. The notion of the future commits us both in terms of our digital transformation towards the world of tomorrow and our CSR impact on our ecosystem. It also reflects our desire to be part of sustainable growth, which is essential if we are to attract and retain the best talent.

About APRIL Group

APRIL is the leading wholesale broker in France with a network of 15,000 partner brokers. APRIL’s 2,400 staff members aim to offer their customers and partners – individuals, professionals and businesses – an outstanding experience combining the best of people and technology, in health and personal protection for individuals, professionals and VSEs, loan insurance, international health insurance (iPMI), property and casualty niche insurance and asset management. APRIL aspires to become a digital, omnichannel and agile operator, a champion of customer experience and leader in its markets, while committing to the societal responsibility issues set forth in its Oxygen approach.

The APRIL Group operates in 18 countries and recorded a turnover of €590 million in 2022.


Press Contacts


Mélanie Sutter
melanie.sutter@april.com / 0033 6 43 54 66 67


Monet+Associés agency for the APRIL group

Laureen Arnol & Léa Petit
april@monet-rp.com / 04 78 37 34 64