L’Angle Solidaire, APRIL’s third space in Lyon, has welcomed two new women’s organisations: Règles Elémentaires and Au Tambour!


16 June 2022

In order to support projects promoting equal opportunities, the APRIL Group inaugurated its Solidarity Corner at the beginning of 2022. This third space enables organisations whose daily work involves promoting inclusion and equal opportunities at local and national level to continue and step up their development. Two organisations that are fighting against women’s poverty and isolation have joined this collaborative venture today: Règles Elémentaires and Au Tambour!


Two new women’s organisations


L’Angle Solidaire, a unique space devoted to sharing practices and skills, aims to build cooperation both among charitable organisations and with staff from the APRIL Group to bring about daring, innovative and high-impact projects. Following the official opening at the beginning of March 2022, two organisations contacted APRIL to ask if they could join L’Angle Solidaire – Règles Elémentaires and Au Tambour!


Au Tambour !

Au Tambour! is a place dedicated to the well-being of women who suffer from insecurity, isolation and/or violence in the Lyon metropolitan area. In addition to its shelter to welcome and meet with women, located on rue Crillon in Lyon’s 6th arrondissement, the organisation will be gaining new momentum by setting up its offices within L’Angle Solidaire. This place will help strengthen ties with partner organisations and build cooperation with others..


Règles Elémentaires

Règles Elémentaires is an organisation which fights against period poverty by organising sanitary protection donations that are distributed to charities and other professional organisations which work with women living in poverty.

APRIL staff members have already had the opportunity to take action on the issue with this organisation: on International Women’s day on 8 March 2022, 3,344 feminine hygiene products were donated across all the APRIL offices in France and abroad, offering 167 months of dignity for women in need.



L’Angle Solidaire, a collaborative space for solidarity

L’Angle Solidaire is located at 15 avenue Lacassagne in Lyon’s 3rd district, just a few hundred metres from APRIL’s long-standing headquarters, and Part Dieu transport hub. The APRIL Group provides local organisations with a multi-purpose space, suitable for teamwork as well as a collaborative approach among the various members, thanks to an equal share between closed office space, open space working and co-working areas. Solidarity Corner is self-managed by the organisations themselves, which will agree together on the governance structure to put in place over the coming weeks.


Solidarity with the most vulnerable populations as well as support for inclusion are part of the building blocks of the APRIL Group’s corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSR) strategy, and it is already contributing both financially and through its staff members’ involvement in the organisations. By providing office space free of charge to these organisations, which work to support inclusion and equal opportunities, the APRIL Group has increased its impact on young people and the most vulnerable in society, who have struggled even more since the beginning of the health crisis two years ago.



The organisations within l’Angle Solidaire

• 1 cabas pour 1 étudiant

• Au Tambour !

• Emmaüs Connect

• Entourage

• La Cravate Solidaire

• La Pause Brindille

• Reconnect

• Règles Elémentaires

• Unis-Cité


APRIL is the leading wholesale broker in France with a network of 15,000 partner brokers. APRIL’s 2,300 staff members aim to offer their customers and partners – individuals, professionals and businesses – an outstanding experience combining the best of humans and technology, in health and personal protection for individuals, professionals and VSEs, loan insurance, international health insurance (iPMI), property and casualty niche insurance. By 2023, APRIL aspires to become a digital, omnichannel and agile operator, a champion of customer experience and the leader in its markets.
The APRIL Group operates in 16 countries and recorded a turnover of €544 million in 2021.


Press contact


Mélanie Sutter, Press Relations Manager | +33 6 43 54 66 67